Tuesday 7 April 2015

Better Day Blues

Factory Fast records have finally brought us the second compilation in the Americana Armour series. The new album, out today, gives a wide range of americana necessities to help you to get back into touch with America's previous musical developments. It is a great album to listen to because of the variants in genre, it's an album that really keeps you on your toes. Opening track 'The Love Ambassadors' by Indus Rush is soft, pink and gushy. It is, as the name implies, a love song, maybe a bit too long and 'lovey' for my personal liking.

'Married Man' by The Shannons is a warming, folky 3 minutes that, despite the upbeat feel to the track, is bluntly expressing how 'You'll be by yourself' because your man is seeing other women. 'What More Can I Do' by Mongroove follows, boasting an altogether different sound. Its pacey and infectious, you'll need some antibiotics to treat this one.

Gloriously country and the LP's namesake, Ed Roman brings us 'Better Day Blues'. Its simply made and completly effective, inducing a beat commanded twitch in both your shoulders and head. 'I Hate' by Johnny Hate is a track full of turmoil, rolling out an authentic ragged rock sound along with Hate's soul bursting vocals. 

'Arsenic and Turmeric' from Melting Pot just feels good, the melodies roll down your eardrums fluidly and the dirty sound of the guitars just adds an authenticity to their whole sound. A mellow end to the compilation comes in the form of 'Too Lazy' by The Tallest Hogarth. At times the vocals are uncannily similar to Elvis's and the remainder of the time they are driven out of the abyss, evolving into something raw and free.

The album will be available via Amazon, Google Play and iTunes.

Emily Branson (@emiemzy)

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